
Showing posts from March, 2009

Meet My Bible

I first saw this several months ago on Jessica's Journal , who found it at Amy's Place , and I knew I wanted to do it here. I'm just now getting to it. They don't call me the Queen of Procrastination for nothing! Please feel free to join me in this meme. If you do, leave a comment and let me know. I'd love to read about your Bible too! 1) How old is your Bible? Almost 9 years old; Wes gave it to me for my birthday in 2000. 2) Why did you choose this Bible? I wanted a wide-margin Bible so I could take sermon notes in it, and I wanted one with no notes or cross-references so I could make my own. I've used either a Zondervan or an Old Scofield for all my teen and adult life, and I would always get distracted reading the footnotes instead of the actual Bible text. 3) Do you hightlight/mark passages? I underline and circle things rather than highlight them. 4) If so what is your system? I simply underline things that speak to my heart. I will often cros...