Meet My Bible

I first saw this several months ago on Jessica's Journal, who found it at Amy's Place, and I knew I wanted to do it here. I'm just now getting to it. They don't call me the Queen of Procrastination for nothing! Please feel free to join me in this meme. If you do, leave a comment and let me know. I'd love to read about your Bible too!

1) How old is your Bible? Almost 9 years old; Wes gave it to me for my birthday in 2000.

2) Why did you choose this Bible? I wanted a wide-margin Bible so I could take sermon notes in it, and I wanted one with no notes or cross-references so I could make my own. I've used either a Zondervan or an Old Scofield for all my teen and adult life, and I would always get distracted reading the footnotes instead of the actual Bible text.

3) Do you hightlight/mark passages? I underline and circle things rather than highlight them.

4) If so what is your system? I simply underline things that speak to my heart. I will often cross-reference to another verse that is similar or carrying out a certain theme. I like to underline individual words and mark their meaning in the margin next to the verse so that the next time I'm reading there, I can remember what certain words mean.

5) Do you have notebooks to record things? Yes

6) If so how many and what do you record? I use one spiral-bound journal notebook at a time in which I record verses that speak to me during my devotions. It's nothing earth-shattering, just things that speak to me at the time. I have quite a few of these now; I've used this method for years. I've tried those books that ask questions to help you interpret the Scripture, but I always go back to my good old journal! I like spiral-bound ones that are pretty! :)

7) Where is your favourite spot to read your Bible? In my big chair beside the fireplace.

8) Any thing special about your Bible you want to share? This is kind of funny. My dad picked up my Bible once when we were visiting and said it was a good preaching Bible! LOL He said it has a good hand to it: it's oversized and kind of drapes just right to hold it while you're preaching. I thought it was funny that the Bible I chose is one that a preacher would like to preach from! :) Other than that, the most special thing about it is that Wes bought it for me. Well, other than it being God's own letter to me, of course! ;)

Scripture is the most up-to-date and relevant reading that ever comes my way.

J. I. Packer


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM


    I love the idea of a wide margin bible, it's so much easier to write notes in. I don't highlight but underline and write notes that are usually scrawled all the way to the top or bottom of the page.

    The quote at the bottom of your post is so very true. No matter what comes our way, God has good sound counsil in His word.

    Take Care,


    P.S Just checking to see if you received my reply email regarding your son's effort towards an I phone -- you never know how hungry the spam filters are : )

  2. Oh how I enjoyed this post! I can't remember how I found your blog, but I've been lurking around for a few weeks now thoroughly enjoying myself. :) I'm going to put up a Meet My Bible post soon because of reading this. A Bible is such a personal and precious thing, isn't it? Sounds like you really love yours. Thanks for sharing. I'll let ya know when I post mine.

  3. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Susan, I really enjoyed reading this post. Thank you for writing it!

    I'd like to write a similar post soon - we'll see how soon it actually happens though!

  4. I nejoyed reading about your Bible :o) My husband has a "preachers Bible" too lol, it is huge! I love the idea of being able to take notes in those margins. I have always wanted to have a notebook to go along with mine, but every time I start, I use a regular steno and then it seems to get mixed up with other notebooks and such. Maybe getting one that is unique will help with that :o) Thanks again for the post.


  5. Anonymous7:41 AM

    How neat! I might try to do this in the next week or two. I have a wide-margin, for the purpose of notes, but I don't have as many notes in it as I do my last one, I don't think. I used to have an elaborate system of marking passages, but now it is just mainly something that stands out to me.

  6. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Oh I *love* this post! And you have beautiful handwriting Susan. (o:

  7. I may do this in the next week or so. I enjoyed yours.

  8. That was really fun! My son has that Bible and loves it.
    I'm going to do this too, maybe this weekend!

  9. Loved this post Susan, and I agree, you have beautiful handwriting.

  10. Anonymous10:39 PM

    I did this one today!


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