Turning Out Good Children
Close View of the Hands of an Infant and Parent In our Thursday night Bible studies, we've been going through the book of Genesis. We've seen the best and the worst among the people God called His own. One of our men mentioned tonight that he is really enjoying this study because it makes the Bible characters that we always thought of as saints (figuratively speaking) become human to us. Which they were. Tonight we studied chapter 38, the story of Judah and Tamar. It's a sordid story about a man's wandering away from God so far that he ended up with a woman he thought was a pros*titu*te, but was actually his widowed daughter-in-law. Since we already know that Judah's brother Joseph was a righteous man who fled sex*u*al immorality, my husband made the comparison that Judah and Joseph were brought up in the same family, with the same standards and rules, but had proven to be opposites as adults. As Wes and I were discussing that earlier today, we made some obser...