Just Call Me Mephibosheth

I woke up this morning thinking about my Hosanna Ranch friends that I wrote about yesterday, how they adopt children who have physical or emotional problems and give them a life far better than they've known before. I was reminded of one of my favorite stories in the Bible, that of Mephibosheth, grandson of King Saul of Israel. Several years into his reign, King David wanted to find out if any of the family of Saul was left. He found a servant named Ziba, of the house of Saul, who told him that the son of Jonathan was still alive, living in the town of Lo-debar, who was lame. So David sent down to Lo-debar and had Mephibosheth brought to Jerusalem, where David established him in the palace and allowed him to eat at the king's table for the rest of his life.

The reason I love this story is because Mephibosheth is a picture of me. I was "lame in my feet" - sin had crippled me. I wasn't able to get to "Jerusalem" from Lo-debar, and I wasn't worthy to eat at the King's table. I was lame. But the King sent a "servant" - the Holy Spirit - to come and let me know that the King desired my presence at His table. I was ashamed and very aware of my lameness; I knew I didn't deserve a place at the King's table. But that Servant just wouldn't give up! He continually let me know that there was a place for me at the table, and that the King really did want me there. Yes, I was lame, but the King knew that and was still willing for me to sit at His table. I finally decided I was going to trust this King, and allowed the Servant to work in my heart and take me to the King, where He gave me a seat at the table. I looked down to my feet, still ashamed that I was lame, but I couldn't see them! They were covered! No one at the table could see my feet. We all looked the same at the King's table!

The truth is, we're all "lame." Sin has crippled all mankind, and we can't eat at the King's table until He covers our sin and makes us worthy to sit at His table. And He loves us and desires our presence so much that He came and offered Himself for our sins, so that they might be covered by His blood. And He sends His Servant to convince us that, even though we don't deserve it, we can eat at the King's table. Even after we accept this covering, we're still lame, but if we stay at the table, our lameness is covered.

Have you accepted your seat at the King's table? Has there ever been a time when you realized that you were a sinner and could do nothing to save yourself? The Bible tells us that "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) It also says that "all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags" (Isaiah 64:6)compared to God's holiness. No matter how good we are, it doesn't measure up to God's standard of holiness. The punishment for our sin is death (Romans 5:8 and 6:23), eternal separation from God in Hell (Revelation 20:14,15). But God's sinless Son, Jesus, came to Earth and died in our place; He made the payment. God's requirement of death for sin was met in Jesus' death, and this payment is offered to you, for your sins. It's a gift - all you have to do is accept it. The way you accept it is to turn from your sin and turn to God, ask His forgiveness, and ask Him to apply Jesus' payment to your sin debt (Romans 10:9,10). God promises eternal life to all who believe on Jesus and allow His payment to be applied (John 6:47; I John 5:13).

Won't you join me at the King's table? I'll be the lame one.


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