The Solid Rock

Believe God's word and power more than you believe
your own feelings and experiences.
Your Rock is Christ,
and it is not the Rock which ebbs and flows,
but your sea
 --Samuel Rutherford--
Remember that your feelings are not trustworthy. They will come and go. 
God's Word stands sure! 
Build your life on the Solid Rock of Jesus! 
  photo credit: lapidim via photopin cc


  1. Feelings come and go, but God's Word is forever!

    That can also read, "Hormones go up and down, but God's Word is forever stable!" lol!

    1. Amen! And that was one of the things I had in mind when I posted this! I've had such a hard time with the hormonal changes of mid-life that I have to cling to the Solid Rock of the Word or I go slipping off into the sea of my emotions. Very good point.


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