December Daily: Worth the Read

 Wish you  a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year

This has been a good week! We got to put our feet up a little after two parties and being out of the house every night last week. Yay! Thursday evening, Wes and I got coffee and rode around for about an hour looking at Christmas lights in a different area of town than we went during our church Christmas party. I love doing that - he knows how to make me happy! ;)

Also on Thursday night, Beth went to the college Christmas banquet. Here she is with her date, Caleb.

And, of course, being goofy . . .

Now for this week's links worth reading . . .

20 Tips For Personal Devotions in the Digital Age Great advice here, especially with a new year about to begin. I think I found this link at Stray Thoughts. Thanks, Barbara!

The Rewards of Living An Organized Life by Laura at I'm An Organizing Junkie  Another good article for a new year. I should read this every day.

Making the Most of Christmas: 10 Ways to Enjoy an Effective Christmas Season  Pastor Paul Chappell always has good advice concerning making the most of any season. I enjoy his straightforward, practical posts.

How To Be Intentional About the Holidays, a guest post by Mom of 6 at I'm An Organizing Junkie  I find myself slowing down and simplifying this year, and that seems to be a theme for many people.

12 DIY Christmas Stockings  Working on a handmade Christmas? Here are some tutorials for Christmas stockings!

15 Handmade Baby Blanket Tutorials  Another list of handmade items, this one for baby blankets. Is it just me, or are there new babies everywhere???

Day 14 Scripture:
"And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn."
Luke 2:6,7

All DaySpring Christmas Selection currently 25% off

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photo credit: varun suresh via photopin cc


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