Christmas Credo

 White Christmas in Rockland County, New York 2012

Christmas Credo

Let us keep Christmas softly ~
Apart from crowds and noise and vain display;
Let us hang garlands fresh of prayer and praise,
All love-entwined, in glad array,
In the deep chambers of the heart, where He,
The Holy Child alone may see
And gladdened be.

Let us in silence wait
Before His altars 'til we see the Face
Of the Most High ~
That we may worship truly in the secret place.
He will give peace and joy; and as we sing
Our carols, let us give ourselves an offering
Of love to Him, our Saviour-King.

Then let us seek the lonely and the sad,
And make them glad 
That Christ is born this day,
That He in yielded lives holds sway.
So shall we keep the Day of Days all softly and know well
His coming to our hearts anew to dwell:
Our glorious Lord, Emanuel, Emanuel!

~~ Lillian Imhof Robinson ~~

Day 24 Scripture:
"And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us." ~~ Luke 2:15 ~~
photo credit: Anthony Quintano via photopin cc


  1. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Lovely poem! Hope you and your hubby have a wonderful Christmas!


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