Five Principles for Christian Dress
I've noticed that the pages on my blog that get the most hits (views) are the ones dealing with modest dress. While I'm pretty sure that all of us believe in dressing modestly , we vary quite a bit on exactly what modesty is. Several years ago, I posted an entry containing five principles of modest dress from a sermon that my former pastor delivered. Since there is always interest in this subject, I wanted to repost that entry today. I hope you'll find something in it that will be a help to you . Day Dream Here are five principles for modest dress that my pastor preached in a sermon several years ago. I wrote them in the back of my Bible because they are good guidelines for anyone, no matter how you feel about the particulars of what a Christian should wear. 1. Modesty - Is this article of clothing modest? Does it cover me sufficiently? I Timothy 2:9 2. Not worldly - Is this clothing a passing fad of the world? Does it follow the current trends of the world? ...