Wednesday in the Word: On Being Bored

I found a book recently that caught my attention, The Country Life Book of Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother. I've always had an interest in Britain's royal family, and I've especially admired the Queen Mother (who is now deceased) because of her charm, warmth, and dignity, so this book sparked my interest right away. As I was reading about her early life, the author was relating information about the Queen Mother's own mother, pictured on the right in 1923, who was apparently quite an amazing woman. She used to tell her children,
"Life is for living and working at. If you find anything or anybody a bore, the fault is in yourself."
What a lesson to us in these days! The Queen Mother was born in 1900, 113 years ago, yet her mother's words are still applicable today. If I find life boring, or the people around me boring, it's not their fault; it is mine!

Are you bored today? Get up and live! Work at finding interesting things to do. Look at your children. They are definitely not boring! Look around your home at all the little things you could do to make it a haven for your family, no matter what kind of house you live in. Think about the meals you cook - all the possibilities before you in making a variety of meals for your family. Refuse to be bored; learn to be content. Be thankful for all the interesting things and people in your life!
"Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice . . . for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Philippians 4:4,11
Photo courtesy of Life; permission granted for personal, non-commercial use.


  1. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I so agree. I have so many things I'd like to do, I don't think I have a chance at being bored for a long time to come. And even if I begin to feel that way and don't feel like doing anything, just starting and getting into an activity or project changes those feelings pretty quickly.

    1. I haven't been bored in a long time, either. And you're right - just jumping into an activity will usually get your interest going!

  2. Amen! I'm never bored. I am interested in reading this book now. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Valerie, I don't know if the book is even available anymore; it's really old! It was super interesting, especially the parts about the Queen Mother when she was a little girl and young woman. She was very much a woman of character.

  3. Susan, love your blog and your gift to write! I feel the same way about life. Our attitude presents the choice of having a good time or not a good time when we're involved with others and events, etc. And, no, I don't understand the word "bored". hee hee! :)

    1. So true that attitude determines everything, Rhonda! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment - and for such a kind one, no less! ;) I appreciate your help through your blog. I hope to see more of you!

  4. Anonymous6:27 PM

    This sounds like a wonderful book! And I loved what you shared, which contains so much truth. We sure can use wisdom like that these days.

    1. It was very interesting! I found it on a "by donation" bookshelf at a rec centre, read it, then donated it to a thrift store, so I don't have it anymore. But it was fun!


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