Wednesday in the Word: He Won't Know It If You Don't Show It

Love is in the Air
Love is in the Air by JPott

Last week, for Valentine's Day, I wrote out a lesson I'd given the ladies at our church concerning Love or Respect in relation to our husbands or fathers. As I looked through the lessons I gave that month, I felt impressed to give you the second lesson in that series: He Won't Know It If You Don't Show It!

Don't you just love it when your husband whispers in your ear, "I love you!"? Or, if you're single, your dad tells you he loves you and he's proud of you? I'm sure they love to hear us say we love them, too, but more than that, they love to know that we respect them. Now, it's not quite so romantic to look into your man's eyes and coo, "I respect you so much!" So how do we show our men that we respect them?

Prioritize your husband; put him first (Ephesians 5:31). As you plan your day, take into account things he might need, and ask if there's something you can do for him. As you serve a meal, serve him first. Your children won't die of starvation, I promise, and they will learn that their dad is a Very Important Person in your home. There are many ways you can put his needs first, and when you do that, you affirm to him that you respect him. Decide to make him your Number One relationship, choose him over all other relationships, and spoil him rotten!

Praise him (Ephesians 4:29). Set a goal to bless your husband with your words at every opportunity. Don't go overboard and make him suspicious, but find little things to praise him for. Choose to build him up and refuse to tear him down with your words.

Positively respond to him (Proverbs 16:24). Find one positive word you can use that will be your go-to word when he asks you to do something. An enthusiastic "Sure!" or "Ok!" will go a long way toward peace in your home, and if it's something that you really believe is unrealistic, you can take some time to talk about it later. Let your initial response be positive. Imagine if, every time you want to do something, your husband throws cold water on your excitement? It's magnified much more when we do the same to them.

Please him (I Corinthians 7:34). Make it your job to study your husband and find out what he likes and dislikes. If you don't know, ask him! Find out how you can please him, both in everyday things and on special occasions.

Prepare for him (Song of Solomon 5:5). Remember those sweet courtship days? You fixed your hair, put on makeup, and wore nice outfits even if you weren't going anywhere special. You wanted to look good for him. How much more should you do that now? You don't have to dress up in pearls and your nicest church dress; just look decent when he's around! Prepare your greeting for when he walks in the door. Prepare your home - just pick up a little and wash the children's faces. Make his time with you enjoyable, and remind him of the girl he fell in love with.

Plan for him (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Take time to plan special times and special deeds for him. Make him special!

Pray for him (II Timothy 1:3). Bear your husband before the Lord. Pray for him daily and pray for him specifically.

Make your home a safety zone for your husband. Make it a place of unconditional acceptance, unconditional love, and unbridled affection for him. Let him know that he is the most important person in the world to you, and make him comfortable and confident in your presence. Show him that you respect him!

“Your Christian character becomes evident each and every time you choose from your heart to bend, to yield, to honor, to submit, to follow your husband. It’s one way that you, as a woman after God’s own heart, honor God.” Elizabeth George, A Woman After God’s Own Heart, page 89


  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Very good practical advice!


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