Laughter: Good Medicine

 Laughing Squirrel
"Genuine, hearty laughter is one of the greatest gifts imparted to us by our Father. It has the amazing power to diminish our pain, lifting our souls in joyous good cheer, while providing bright hope for the unknown days ahead."
W. Phillip Keller


  1. I saw Mrs. Hollars again Monday night and gave her another hug for you. :)

    1. Oh, thank you, Carrie! I like being able to "hug" her without even knowing I'm seeing her! LOL

  2. Great quote, Susan! I could use a little more laughter in my life right now, so thanks for this and also for the hilarious picture of the squirrel.

    1. Mrs. T, I hope that little squirrel brought a smile to your face. Praying for some laughter for you today, my friend!

  3. Amen! Laughter is the best medicine, as Reader's Digest puts it. :)

    1. Well, I almost used that title, but thought it was a bit cliche AND in this day of copyright awareness . . . it's probably best not cross that line! ;)

  4. I love to laugh but I don't do it often enough for sure. Great quote!


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