Book Review: What Do I Know About My God?


I want to tell you about a book that has been a huge help to me: What Do I Know about My God? by Mardi Collier, the wife of Ken Collier, director of The Wilds Christian Camp. This was recommended to me by my blog friend, Mrs. T, of Across My Kitchen Table. Let me tell you, the principle laid out in this book will change your life. Literally. Thank you so much, Mrs. T, for recommending this book to me!

Mrs. Collier wrote this book to outline a simple program she'd been using for many years to help her know God better. This system involves keeping a notebook of verses describing God and His relationship with us. Each time you read a verse with information about God, you start a new category. For example, the first page I made My God is Merciful (Psalm 51:1; Psalm 40:11; Psalm 145:9; Romans 9: 15, 16; II Corinthians 1:3; Lamentations 3:22 - these are a few verses I found when I looked up verses with the words mercy or mercies in them), and I have filled that page with verses that talk about God's mercy. Another page I've made is My God Loves Me, and it is filled with verses that express God's love for me (I John 3:1; I John 4:19; Romans 5:6-8; Romans 8:35; Romans 8:38,39 - these are just a few found in my personal daily Bible reading). It won't take long to have dozens of pages, and you will find yourself seeking out new verses every time you open your Bible!

I love this devotional method because it is personal: the verses I write in my categories mean something to me rather than to the writer of a devotional book or Bible study. They were written for me by my God, and His Holy Spirit points them out to me as I read His Word. Sometimes they fit right in to a situation I have going on that very day; other times they are reminders that I know I'll need later.

I love this devotional method for another reason: it helps me to know God better. I've always taken notes on my devotions and on sermons I hear, but I'd never been able to figure out how to organize them later or how to review them and learn from them. With this method, I have an organized way to get to know my God, to really learn who He is and how He wants to work in my life. It makes an amazing difference when you begin to personally know who God is!

Another thing I love is that Mrs. Collier uses only the King James Version of the Bible. That was a blessing to me, because we only use the KJV in our Bible-reading and study. If that's the case for you, you will enjoy that extra blessing!

I encourage you to get this book! It literally will change your devotional life! In addition to outlining the actual notebook system (it's a very simple one - nothing fancy here), Mrs. Collier fills the chapters with personal stories about how this notebook has changed her thinking and helped her in everyday situations to think correctly and make wise decisions. It's a thin book, just 98 pages, with several appendices that are helpful in getting your own notebook started, and the chapters are short. She writes in a friendly, conversational style that is easy to understand.

Honestly, when I first got the book, I was disappointed that it wasn't this huge, chapter-by-chapter Bible study. But now . . . I love it! It's the best method of Bible study I've ever used . . . because it is helping me to know my God in the most personal way: His direct Words to me.

I have used my Amazon affiliate links for this book. If you buy through my links, I will receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. I am not being compensated in any other way for endorsing this book.


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    I read that book some years ago after hearing Mardi speak at a ladies' conference. Excellent!

    1. It is an excellent book, Barbara! Did you ever make a notebook?

  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    This book sounds wonderful, thank you for posting about it. And, like you, how wonderful that she uses our beloved KJB...that is rare.

    1. You would love it, Michele! :)

  3. What a wonderful review, Susan! Like you, I am adding to my notebook page by page and I am finding it more helpful every day. If I come up against something in life where I know I need to be encouraged by a particular attribute of God (say, for example -- His omniscience; He knows all about the situation I am facing) and if I don't already have a page for that attribute, I'll begin one. I had sort of done this already in my prayer journal, but this notebook idea has surely revolutionized my life as it has yours. Since we don't readily trust someone we don't know, it is vital that we get to know God well. Only then can we trust Him fully. Thanks for sharing about this excellent book.

    1. I've told pretty much everyone I know about it! LOL I want to give one to each lady in our church, and I'd love to give one to each of my sisters and sisters-in-law, my mom and MIL . . . everybody! I believe in it that much! Thank you again for recommending it to me!

  4. I love this book. Mrs. Collier uses personal experience to edify the reader, also. Every woman should get this book.

  5. I love this book, too! Here's how I do my notebook:


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