
Showing posts from November, 2012

Good Morning, America!

I'm writing this at 10:00 PM on Election Day. President Obama has been re-elected. Many Americans are mourning and wondering what is going to happen to our country, and many others are celebrating. I read the status updates of my friends on Facebook throughout the evening. Emotions ran the gamut of tears, anger, frustration, anxiety, fear, and faith. I understand all of those emotions, and am encouraged by those whose faith hasn't been shaken. The one thing that has puzzled me, both in 2008 and 2012, is the anger of Christians. Some statements about Obama and world events, at best, border on hatred for the President and certain ethnic groups, and the overriding thoughts I've seen are that we (Christians) have to fight, and fight hard, and be angry at The Enemy (Obama and Is*lam). I've been in fundamental Baptist churches for almost 41 years. I've heard preachers all these 41 years say that God is going to judge America, has to judge America, and that we are in...