What Interests You?

 Another Summer Fades into Fall ~ Project 365/275
Another Summer Fades Into Fall by Echo9er
I'm back!

I think.

I've missed blogging so much! Several times a week I've thought, "That would make a good blog post," or, "I should tell my blog readers about that!" But I just didn't make the time to return to blogging. I've found a time that I think would be good for writing, so I'm going to see how it works out over the next month or so and see if we can't get this ball rolling again.

As I begin blogging again, I'm wondering if there's something you'd like to see on my blog. I started it seven years ago as more of an online diary, but the face of blogging has changed during that time to become more focused. My thoughts are to take this blog in the direction of a help to Christian women, with devotionals and/or Bible studies, book reviews and recommendations - things that would help Christian women grow in their faith as I learn and grow (I haven't arrived, by any means!) - but I also love the personal aspect of blogging, telling you about our ministry and family, my crafts and Etsy shop.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you as I press on with ByGrace. My immediate plan is to tell you a bit about our summer highlights, review a book or two, and show you the projects I'm working on. Then we'll just go from there. Thank you so much for reading here and for the friendship you've offered through this crazy world of blogging!

So what kinds of things do you enjoy reading about here? What kind of things could I add that would be interesting to you?


  1. Hi Susan! Glad to see you back to blogging. :) I've been so sporadic in blogging this year but I haven't made the decision to quit, so I keep throwing random posts on my blog, about 2-3 times a month. LOL

    I like personal blogs the best, just my preference. :)

    1. I've been following your blog, Tammy! I think you're posting more than 2-3 times a month, and I'm always glad to see a post from you on my reader!

  2. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Good to hear from you here!

    I enjoy the personal things -- how things are going with your family, what crafts and projects you are working on, what things are going on with your ministry, your thoughts on things, etc. I'd enjoy the book reviews, too, because our standards are similar so I know I could trust your recommendations, and I have found that isn't true of a lot of others.

    1. Thanks for your input, Barbara! I enjoy those same things on your blog. I keep putting off book reviews, but I read a good bit over the summer, so I need to get down to business on those.

    2. So good to **see** you again, Susan! I'm not too picky; I enjoy reading all of your posts. :)

    3. Thanks, Mrs. C!!! I've "seen" you a few times this summer and love to read what you're doing, too. Thanks for chiming in!

  3. Hi Susan! Great to see you back! I second all the suggestions Barbara wrote. Exception: I don't usually read book reviews, but I know others like them. I'd love to see photos of quilt after quilt after quilt that you make. :) Gotta stock up for all the grandchildren one day, right?

    1. Hi, Deb! :) I had to laugh about seeing pics of quilt after quilt after quilt. I have to MAKE quilt after quilt after quilt for that to happen! LOL I'm with ya on stocking up for the grandchildren.

  4. I love the personal posts as well. There are some blogs that I have read for years and they completely stopped sharing about the family, life, ministries, etc. I must admit, I don't enjoy their blogs as much. However, I do enjoy the devotional and topical posts as well. I guess striking a good balance would be great! Glad to have you back!!

    1. Hi, Nikki! I had thought I might need to "polish up" a bit around here, but you and the others who have commented seem to like the more personal approach. I'm like you - when I read a blog for the personal aspect, I don't enjoy it as much when it gets away from that. Thanks for your input!

  5. The recommendations, reviews, etc. would certainly be welcome, because you have godly standards and your thoughts on these things would be helpful and encouraging. But I really love the personal aspect of your blog as well, and truly enjoy reading about your family, ministry, craft projects, homemaking endeavors and so on. I hope that part doesn't change! I love your blog and have missed it, although I do understand how busy you have been (and have yet to be!).

    I'm coming into a hugely busy season myself for the next 3 weeks or so. Our daughter, son-in-law and 4 little ones (all under six) will be arriving from Nevada next Tuesday. It has been 2 and a half years since they've been out here (although Mr. T and I have visited them), so local family and friends are all looking forward to their 3-week visit!

    1. Hi, Mrs. T! I'm glad to see you like the personal things, too. That's one reason I read your blog - because you share the things you're going through and how you are growing in your life. I love that!

      I know you must be terribly excited to have your family home for 3 weeks! I hope you all enjoy every minute of it!

  6. Good morning, Susan! I am a little late on posting - we had a busy week last week with a death and funeral service for a dear saint, and with my husband still recovering from surgery. :-)

    I love the personal posts, of course. Book reviews would be wonderful. I have problems finding Godly study books and such. Your ministries, how tos, experiences, etc are so valuable. (and of course, the series on time management would still be great!)

    Thank you for your ministry, Susan!

    1. Hi, Robin! I'm so sorry for the death of your friend, and I hope your husband's recovery will be quick!

      I have this idea in my head for the time management series, so I have to get it down on paper and wrestle with it a bit before I post anything about it. I am SO not a good time manager - that's why it's taking me so long to get something written about it!

  7. Hello there Susan!
    So glad you to see you back to blogging again. I know how busy it can get....but, we've missed you! And thought about you bunches.
    I love so many things about your blog, but my favorites are the everyday life of a busy missionary lady, your quilting, and book reviews. But, everything you post is always a blessing to me!
    Blessings to you,

  8. Hi, Kami! Thanks for the thoughts. It looks like everyone who has posted just enjoys everyday things, so I'll just stick to that. That's easy! LOL


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