Wednesday in the Word: Bear Them Upon Your Heart

This devotion was also posted at KJV Blog Directory.

I teach the preschool bus kids on Wednesday nights. One recent Wednesday night was a doozie! We have them for about 40 minutes, and in that time, my helper and I had to separate three boys at least three times. They had each other in headlocks! Two little girls went to the bathroom at the same time (my mistake) and didn't return for several minutes. My helper found them in the same stall playing with lip gloss. One little girl was crying the whole time because she was hungry. Another little girl insisted she was going to help me with everything and would not sit down - well, most of the children won't sit down for long. Crayons were tipped over intentionally - and all over the floor - and play dough time was wild. 

But also within that 40 minutes they quieted and listened to a story from the Bible about how God took care of the children of Israel in Egypt and a character-building story with two kittens named Boots and Mitten - yes, two stories! - and asked questions that let me know their little brains are processing information.

After class, I was reading in my Bible in Exodus, how Aaron was to bear the names of the tribes of Israel over his heart. He was to bear them constantly before the Lord in his priestly office (Exodus 28:29). And I was humbled that I can bear these children upon my heart before the Lord and challenged to pray for them every day. Children are precious to God, even children who have little or no training in their homes and who can drive you crazy in 40 minutes flat!

We have the opportunity to bear precious souls before the Lord on a daily basis. Who do you need to bring before the Lord today? It's a privilege, and a part of our duties as believers!


  1. This was a blessing to me, Susan! We're hoping soon to have some families come and have a children's ministry. I am ready!

  2. I'm glad it was a blessing, Kami! How exciting that you will be able to start a children's ministry! Our bus ministry has grown a lot in the past year, and it's a blessing to interact with the children and their families.


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