The Week in Words

Welcome to The Week In Words, where we share quotes from the last week’s reading. If something you read this past week  inspired you, caused you to laugh, cry, think, dream, or just resonated with you in some way, please share it with us, attributing it to its source, which can be a book, newspaper, blog, Facebook — anything that you read.

This quote is from a cousin, via Facebook:

"Self respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself." Unknown
I agree! Dignity does grow when we can rule ourselves and say no to ourselves! So much of the Christian life is a matter of discipline.
 From Pastor Johnny Pope, also a Facebook friend: 

"If people are upset with me because of my position (what I believe), I have no regrets or remorse. If people are upset with me because of my disposition (how I behave) I should repent and resolve. “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (II Timothy 3:12). “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men” (Romans 12:18)."

This quote was especially timely for Wes and me this week, as we're facing a situation where someone is upset with him over something he preached a couple of weeks ago. His heart has always been to preach the truth without apology, but to do all in his power to avoid being a personal offense through his manner. This quote showed up as we were receiving some pretty hateful feedback. We both knew it was because of his position on the issue, not a personality issue, so we both resolved to stand on God's Word! 

And finally, a funny one. I laughed out loud when I read this from a missionary friend, Rita Vernoy: 

"If my body is a temple, I must be a mega church!" 
From the book If My Body is a Temple, Then I Was a Megachurch, by Scott Davis

Boy, can I ever identify with that! LOL

To read more inspiring (or maybe even funny) quotes, visit Barbara at Stray Thoughts . . . and join in with some things you've read this week, too!


  1. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Bot that first one is so true! Such shame comes with "giving in" to temptation, no matter how much our minds justify it beforehand.

    That second one is so important as well. Some times people teach right doctrine but in a manner that drives people away.

    I saw that last one on FB -- too funny!


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