Wednesday in the Word: Bearing Precious Seed

 I posted this today at KJV Blog Directory . . .

It's almost spring! This winter has been long and cold, and I am very ready for spring this year. At this time of year, many of us begin planning gardens and ordering seeds. I'm not one of those people (my thumb is quite brown), but many of you probably are! Several years ago, I was involved in a gift exchange in which I was to prepare a small gift for each of 14 days, and the recipient would open one gift each day. The first day's gift was a packet of seeds, and this is the word study on seeds that I included with the gift.

 I thought it was interesting that “seed” in the Bible most often refers to human offspring.  So, this verse could possibly have an application to our families – weeping over them, training them, and we shall doubtless rejoice with them, bringing them to Heaven with us.  But the application I’ve always thought of and heard preached is that of bearing the Word (precious seed) to those who are lost.  So I turned to “word” in the concordance and found many verses that have to do with “the word of God” and what the word is called:

Seed – Luke 8:11 (and in Matthew 13, the parable of the sower); I Peter 1:23
Incorruptible – I Peter 1:23
Forever – I Peter 1:23,25; Psalm 119:89,160; Isaiah 40:8;
Milk – I Peter 2:2
Cleansing – Psalm 119:9, Eph. 5:26
Life-giving – Psalm 119:25,50,107,154; John 6:63;
Light – Psalm 119:105; II Peter 1:19
Pure – Psalm 12:6; 119:140; Prov. 30:5
Above all – Psalm 138:2
Powerful – Heb. 4:12
Word of God – Heb. 4:12
Word of truth – James 1:18
Oracles of God – Romans 3:2
Holy Scriptures – Romans 1:2
Sword of the Spirit – Eph. 6:17
Scriptures of the prophets – Romans 16:26

Described as:

Authoritative – I Peter 4:11
Inspired – II Tim. 3:16
Effectual in life – I Thess. 2:13
True – Psalm 119:160
Perfect – Psalm 19:7
Sharp – Heb. 4:12

Physical Symbols of the Word of God in the Bible:

Mirror – James 1:23-25
Seed – I Peter 1:23
Lamp – Psalm 119:105, 130; Prov. 6:23; II Peter 1:19
Sword – Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4:12
Fire – Jer. 23:29
Hammer – Jer. 23:29
Tree – Prov. 3:18; 4:7-9
Water – John 15:3; Eph. 5:25-27; Psalm 119:9,11
Milk – I Peter 2:2
Meat – I Cor. 3:1,2
Honey – Psalm 19:10; 34:8; 119:103

Things we are to do with the Scriptures:

Let them dwell in us richly – Col. 3:16
Search them daily – Acts 17:11
Hide them in the heart – Ps. 119:11
Delight in – Ps. 1:2
Love them – Ps. 119:97,113,167
Receive with meekness – James 1:21
Read them – Deut. 17:19
Teach them to our children – Deut. 11:19
Obey them – James 1:22

We find in James 1:18 that we are born again by the word of God: Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.  Verse 21 speaks of the engrafted word that is able to save our souls.    Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing the word of God.  In order for souls to be saved, they must hear the Word; therefore, we must take the Word to those who have never heard – bear the precious seed of God’s Word.

Obviously, this is just scratching the surface of what God says about His Word, but I hope you enjoy this small sampling of things to think on and taste about the Word of God!


  1. Wonderful outline and wonderful idea for a gift exchange. Now, did your other gifts for the days following come from this same outline? Or did you do something totally different each day?


  2. Kristi ~ Each day was a different gift, and I made a word study for each gift. It was a lot of work, but it was so much fun! Each gift was something small and inexpensive. It was an online exchange through a forum I was on at the time.


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