Wednesday in the Word: How is Your Heart?
This is the devotion I posted today at KJV Blog Directory . Good morning! It's probably afternoon already wherever you are, as we're on the west coast. I'm late posting today, for which I apologize. We're having revival services this week, and as part of my focus on revival, I have not been online for anything more than is necessary for the past week. In the meantime, my husband installed a new router for our home network, and when I went to post my devotion last night, my computer wasn't recognizing the network, so I couldn't do anything online at all. He fixed it this morning, though, so I'm all set to be back online, for the most part, tomorrow. Our speaker for our revival this week, Pastor Tom Kline of Castlegar Baptist Church in Castlegar, BC, has been tremendous! Each message has spoken to my heart in some way, so I wanted to share one of them with you. This one is from Monday night, taken from Luke 8, the parable of the sower. Bro. Kl...