The Week in Words

It's been several weeks since I participated in The Week in Words at Stray Thoughts. Except for a week-long trip at the end of August, things are settling down once again after a whirlwind of a summer. Barbara features The Week in Words is published on Monday, but I just didn't have the chance to post yesterday, so this week mine's on Tuesday! Here's how it works:
Welcome to The Week In Words, where we share quotes from the last week’s reading. If something you read this past week  inspired you, caused you to laugh, cry, think, dream, or just resonated with you in some way, please share it with us, attributing it to its source, which can be a book, newspaper, blog, Facebook — anything that you read.
In my personal Bible reading this week, I read the account of the Crucifixion of Jesus in Mark 15. Along with my Bible reading, I'm using Warren Wiersbe's With the Word, and his comments on that chapter resonated with me:
The devil told Jesus, "Serve Yourself!" (Matt. 4:3,4). Peter said, "Pity Yourself!" (Matt. 16:21-23). His unsaved relatives said, "Show Yourself!" (John 7:4). The crowd at Calvary said, "Save Yourself!" But Jesus was deaf to all those appeals and gave Himself.
This quote reminds me to turn a deaf ear to the often well-meaning advice of family and friends and listen only to my Lord, who gave Himself rather than exalting Himself. We live in a culture that urges us to pamper ourselves, put ourselves first, love ourselves . . . but Jesus gave Himself, and He is our Pattern for life. I'm not suggesting we should ignore our own needs; rather, I'm suggesting we screen all our actions through the Scripture and seek to become more like our Savior!


  1. Wow! That is a compelling and challenging quote. In a world that calls us to be self-serving, Jesus calls us to follow His example and be self-sacrificing.

  2. That's it exactly, Bekah! And self-sacrifice goes against our human nature, so we have to depend upon the Holy Spirit to be able to give of ourselves.

  3. Very awesome, Susan!

  4. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Wow, Susan, that is powerful. I've been using that book as well, but I don't think I have gotten to that part yet. I tend to be so self-protective and often need to remember that we're supposed to give of ourselves, not hold back for our own safety and (supposed) peace of mind.

  5. Jenn ~ I thought it was a good quote! :)

    Barbara ~ I have a tendency to spare myself too, which is why this quote spoke to me so clearly.


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