Completing Him: Final Week

I missed one week of posting in this challenge, and another week my automated posting feature didn't work like it was supposed to (this problem is becoming more and more common - anyone else's Blogger not posting when it's supposed to?), so I published it after I realized it hadn't posted as originally planned. I've enjoyed all the assignments, plus it's been good for me to revisit commitments I've made to my husband and rekindle the fun and excitement of sharing life with my man!

This week's challenge is a bit on the private side:
This weeks challenge could be your husband's favorite - I know it's my husband's! This is a cherry on top of a great summer of warm love and respect expressed. The challenge: "Kiss him like you mean it!"
I will be the first to acknowledge that the intimate area of marriage is very important . . . but it's also very private. Plus my children read my blog! So I will not be reporting on how this week's challenge goes! ;) What I will do, though, is encourage you to make this part of marriage a priority. It's a beautiful relationship that you and your husband can share, and what makes it so special is that only the two of you share it! Take some time to enjoy the man you love. I promise he won't complain! ;)


  1. I like that...."Kiss him like you mean it."

  2. Great job with the challenge - and indeed it is private! I still can't believe I even said the S** word on Rachael Ray! What was I thinking? lol!! It is a vital part of marriage - but indeed private!

    Thanks for joining the challenge!!! May the Lord continue to bless your marriage!
    Much Love,

  3. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I also enjoyed this challenge a lot. Even though the challenge is finished, I still need to keep my dh on the top of my list (after God that is) and not go back to how things were.

  4. Maybe short, but sweet! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  5. Diana ~ I wonder if he'll be suspicious if I kiss him like I mean it?! ;)

    Courtney ~ Thanks for doing the challenge. I had a great time participating this summer!

    Soaring Eagle ~ Keep up your good work! :)

    Jennifer ~ I'm enjoying your blog! I've subscribed to it so I see more than just the Monday challenge.


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