Completing Him: Week 6

The challenge for this week from Women Living Well is to make our husbands' favorite foods. Courtney said to ask our husbands what their favorite meal, dessert, and drink are, but I already know. I've been cooking his food for over 25 years, and I have made his preferences a priority since Day One. Thinking of his likes and dislikes and cooking accordingly shows him that I care about him. I can't imagine fixing an entire meal of foods he doesn't like and saying "Tough luck, Big Boy!" ;) Cooking to suit your husband is one of the easiest things you can do to please him. Wes is picky, so it hasn't always been easy to find recipes he likes, but I've learned to adapt recipes to suit his tastes, and we've both been happy.

Here's Courtney's instruction for this week:
Make your husband a priority. Ask him what his favorite dinner, dessert and drink are. Be sure to serve him all three one night this week. Bonus: cook his favorite dishes all week long!
Wes's favorite dinner is a cheeseburger. Add bacon for extra credit! ;) Fix fries with it and he's rolling-his-eyes-and-sighing happy. Now what's so hard about that???

His favorite dessert is my homemade apple pie. My mother-in-law taught me how to make a very good pie crust, and Wes says my apple pie is better than even his mom's. And yes, he's told her! You know what she said? "Good!" She's actually glad that her son likes his wife's pie better than hers. Imagine that! LOL

Wes's favorite drinks are Coke, Mountain Dew, and iced tea. We drink fresh iced tea every night at supper. He likes it made right before the meal, so I make a fresh container of tea every night, even if there's tea left from the day before. After 25 years, it's a habit now to start the water for tea when I start the meal.

This week's assignment is easy! One day this week we'll have bacon cheeseburgers, fries, iced tea, and apple pie!


  1. You have a nice MIL! I've gotten a few recipes over the years from my MIL. She didn't do a lot of cooking/baking, but she did have a few special recipes that Kevin wanted me to get.

    I try to cook things that Kevin likes too, though I have to say that I add in vegetables and salads even though they aren't his favorite! He still eats them though! Well, most of the time. ;-)

  2. I do have a nice MIL! ;) She's a sweetheart and we get along very well, even though we are exact opposites of each other. Wes tells me to make the veggies and stuff that I need to eat, and he eats what he likes and leaves the rest.


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