Completing Him: Week 4

I've been participating in Women Living Well's Completing Him Summer Challenge. I'm here to tell you, this challenge has been huge for me! Wes and I have a great relationship - always have - but taking the time to remember our courtship, wedding vows, and now praying specific things for him each day has really focused my thoughts on him and the things that I love about him. Which leads to this week's challenge:
This weeks Marriage challenge is: Admire Your Husband. If you are a blogger write a post all about your husband and what you admire in him and then show it to him! He will smile!
The things I admire about Wes:

1. He is a strong leader.
2. He's also a good follower. He knows how to place himself under the proper authorities and support them. I heard it said once that a strong leader is a strong follower; Wes is a great example of that.
3. He is patient with me. I have a temper, I'm quite often lazy, and I chatter a lot . . . but he is always patient with me.

4. He's my biggest fan. He believes I can do anything I set my mind to, and he tells me so, often.
5. He's a good listener. Except when I'm talking and he's going to sleep. Then he snores. But he tries to listen then, too! ;)

6. He is a slow decision-maker. Wes does not make snap decisions. This aggravates me initially, but I'm always, always, always glad that he takes his time making a decision. And once he makes his decision, he doesn't waffle on it.
7. He is a great provider. He'll take an extra job - or two - if necessary, to make sure the children and I are taken care of.
8. He has a wacky sense of humor. He can always make me laugh, even when I'm mad about something and don't want to laugh.

9. He is slow to speak and a man of few words.
10. He won't back down when he knows he's right.
11. Yet he is diplomatic. He knows how to defuse a situation.
12. He is a wonderful pastor, a great preacher, who stands firm in his beliefs and convictions. He also lives what he preaches.

13. He's a great dad, too. I think it's sweet that he worries about our boys away at college. He's always checking on them to make sure the car is running right, they have enough money, their jobs are going well. I'm not sure what he'll do when our daughter goes to college . . .

14. He's a man of discernment. He is wise in how he deals with people, even when I think he should respond differently. I'm learning, after 25 years of marriage (I'm a slow learner) that he is usually right in his assessment of people and situations.
15. He is level-headed. This is very important, because I am definitely not level-headed. He balances my head-in-the-clouds dreamer tendencies with a good strong dose of reality.
16. He is confident.
17. He does not betray confidences. This is an important quality for a pastor!
18. He'll be surprised that I said this, but he is a good driver. I don't always like the way he drives, but he's good at it.
19. He's good at games. Why do I admire that? I really don't know, but I'm always amazed at how good he is at any game he tries, especially those that require hand/eye coordination or strategy. The man is good!
20. He loves me above all people on earth, and he makes sure I know that. He makes me feel secure and happy!

This has been great to help me remember all the things that I love about my husband! Those things can get lost in the shuffle of everyday life. I've realized there are way more than 20 things I admire about my Wes, but I think I'll tell him those privately! ;) Even if you're not participating in the weekly challenge, take a few minutes to write down some things you admire about your husband and then show it to him. Our men need our admiration. They don't need it from their co-workers, their boss, or their friends nearly as much as they need to hear it from us!


  1. Susan ~ If I didn't know better, I'd think you had written about MY husband instead of YOURS!!! LOL! They are so much alike it is amazing. The only thing I worry about is #9--a man of few words...same with my husband. I guess when y'all come to visit us...we two chatterboxes will have to carry the conversation!! :)

  2. Oh, P.S. ~ I loved reading all 20. You did a great job!

  3. Deb ~~ Wes is a man of few words, but he does find a few more when there's another man around. Having said that, I don't think we'll have any trouble coming up with things to talk about! LOL I've gotten the impression a few times that your husband and mine are quite alike - good men!

    Deborah ~~ You have me intrigued! ;) I'll have to stop by and see what's going on.

  4. Anonymous8:25 PM

    What a sweet list! Sounds like a great man. I did something like this on our 30th anniversary, and it was a good exercise.

  5. I'm participating in this challenge too and I also wrote that my husband is my my biggest fan!! :)


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