The Week in Words

We had such a busy weekend that we all slept in and are taking it easy today. As a result, I had forgotten about The Week in Words this morning. I just have one quote today, seen in With the Word during my devotions recently. It's a well-known poem by William Cowper, but I'd never read the verse in its entirety and paid attention to what it said:
"God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform;
He plants His footsteps in the sea, and rides upon the storm.
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take; the clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy, and shall break
With blessing on your head." ~~ William Cowper
What a blessing to be reminded that those clouds of trouble we dread so much will be filled with blessings and mercy from the Lord! No need to worry; God is in control and He has a plan!

To see more of The Week in Words or to participate yourself, stop by Stray Thoughts.


  1. Anonymous1:39 PM

    We're taking it pretty easy today, too -- no big family gatherings for Memorial Day as one son had to work, one is at a friend's, and a couple of the rest of us are sick. It's a good thing we grilled yesterday, because it's been raining since last night!

    I do enjoy this poem -- I like most of Cowper's. Knowing something of his struggles, his poems are "preaching to himself," reminding himself of those truths as well as the reader.

    Thanks for participating!

  2. Today isn't a holiday here, but we're grilling ribs - first time ever. Sorry a couple of you are sick; get well soon!

    I don't know anything about Cowper, but I did like this poem. I need to find more of his work!

  3. Wow! I've heard the first couple of lines of that one--but don't know that I've ever seen the second set.

    "Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take; the clouds ye so much dread
    Are big with mercy, and shall break
    With blessing on your head."

    What a wonderful reminder. Thanks--I needed that.

  4. I'm glad it was a blessing to you, Bekah! Like you, I had heard the first two lines but not the rest. I thought it was great!


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