What's Your Identity?

I posted this devotional today at KJV Blog Directory:

I recently read the story of an elderly nurse standing behind the window of the newborn nursery where she worked. Outside the window were three young fathers nervously peering through the glass to identify their newborn babies. With the babies all wrapped up in their soft blankets, it was hard to tell which baby belonged to which father. The nurse put on her glasses and began to examine the tiny bracelet on each baby's arm, then looking at the bracelet on each father's arm, carefully matching each baby's name to its father's name. As she positively identified each baby, she opened the door and gave each father his baby and watched his face light up with delight. As she turned away to her other responsibilities, she heard one of the fathers whisper, "I knew you were mine all along!"

That's just how God is! When we receive His Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior, we are identified with the Father. We belong to Him forever. He knows our names; after all, they are written and sealed in the Lamb's book of life! (Revelation 21:27) We belong to Him, because He paid the price for our redemption on Calvary. And we have this promise, that "the Lord knoweth them that are his." (II Timothy 2:19)

What's your identity? Do you belong to the Father? If so, you can rest and rejoice in the fact that He knows you and calls you by His name. You may not belong to a famous or wealthy family here on earth, but you are a child of the King of Kings! God whispers to you, "I knew you were mine all along!"


  1. What a beautiful analogy!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I'm glad I belong to the Father!

  3. Katie ~~ I cried when I first read it - loved the analogy!

    Tammy ~~ Me too! :D


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