Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. James 4:8 There's a very simple principle in this verse that I used to overlook a lot. Draw nigh to God . . . and he will draw nigh to you. When I find myself away from God (even just a little off track!), I also find myself thinking that He is so far away that I might as well give up. Any doubt about who is telling me that? Do you ever feel that way? The principle I learned years ago is this: as I take a step toward God, He takes a step toward me. The closer I come to Him, the closer He comes to me. A wonderful example of this in Scripture is in the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15. When he got near his house, he may have thought that his father didn't want to see him, and maybe he was dragging his feet a little as he came around that last bend before home. But what was the father doing? The father had been watching for him, just waiting for him to come, and when he saw his son afar off, he ran to meet him. The closer...