
Showing posts from November, 2009

Sunshine to the Flower Is . . .

Seeing Sunflowers What the sunshine is to the flower , the Lord Jesus Christ is to my soul . Alfred Tennyson

Renewing the Mind

I saw this article on Home Living quite a while ago. Oh, it was like a breath of fresh air to me! In it, Lady Lydia reflects on how we can renew our minds and not be conformed to the world in our thoughts (which is where Satan loves to defeat us ladies!). Here are the two paragraphs that stood out to me: Conforming to the world also means that we feel controlled by today's fashions,news,music, education, and even by the current personal relationship trends. It is a never-ending cycle of keeping up with everything. The solution is to stick with something you love, whether it be a style of decorating, the reading you like, clothing, cooking, or the type of outings you enjoy, and let the world and its trends pass on by. You won't miss the stress of constant change. The Bible says that we aren't to be conformed by all that the world is beckoning us to , but to prove what is the good and acceptable will of God. You aren't going to prove the beautiful , God-given role of...

Trying To Be A Christian

A visitor asked an old bedridden woman who said she was trying to be a Christian: “Are you trying to be Mrs. Whyte?” “No, I am Mrs. Whyte.” “How long have you been Mrs. Whyte?” “Ever since this ring was put on my finger.” “That is how it is with me. I do not try to be a Christian. I have been one ever since I put out my empty hand and received Christ as my Saviour.” The Prairie Overcomer

More On Pleasing God

Woman Sweeping Her Home I wrote a post a few months ago about pleasing God , and many of you left sweet comments about how that had helped you. I especially love to hear when something I've written has encouraged you, and I heard from several of you in public comments and by email who were helped by that post. Thank you for letting me know that! One of the comments here was from my friend Deby , and I wanted to address it publicly because her question opened up a new line of thought for me. Here's what she asked: Is it carnal to want to please others...I just don't know....sometimes our hearts are pure on this, othertimes it is probably my flesh crying out for the approval I really think she answered her own question here: sometimes our hearts are pure; sometimes we just want the approval of others. And I really think that's the key! What is your motive for pleasing others? Are you seeking to serve them (thereby serving God), or are you seeking to make yourself fe...

A Living Biography

Best Friends A Christian should be a striking likeness of Jesus Christ. You have read lives of Christ, beautifully written; but the best life of Christ is His living biography, written out in the words and action of His people. Charles H. Spurgeon

Wednesday in the Word: Wisdom

This entry is also posted at KJV Blog Directory . I'm going to cheat a little bit this week and use a devotion that I heard over the weekend that I just loved. Last week, my daughter and I went to College Days at West Coast Baptist College , where our sons attend and our daughter wants to go. Before we left on Saturday morning, Dr. Mark Rasmussen met with the potential students and their parents/sponsors for one last word, and he gave this devotion on wisdom. I immediately thought of this blog and my commitment for today's devotional. Dr. Rasmussen gave some very valuable and practical advice for acquiring wisdom, in the form of an acrostic. "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." Proverbs 4:7 W - Walk with God - "Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long." Proverbs 23:17 I - Integrity - "The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perv...