Spurgeon on Christmas
Several years ago, I went through a period of questioning whether or not it is right for us as Christians to celebrate Christmas. I read all about the pagan origins, the Catholic church's "christianizing" of pagan feast days and rituals to make them acceptable, and every discourse available online, or so it seemed. Many people used the introductory paragraph of a certain sermon by C.H. Spurgeon to "prove" that it is wrong to celebrate Christmas. I certainly don't need any one person's approval to validate my own beliefs. Sometimes, though, it's worth the time to read what others think about things to help guide you in your own study. So I would read the quote and think that maybe he was right and we shouldn't have anything to do with Christmas after all. Eventually Wes and I worked out what we believe about Christmas, mainly through reading the Bible (amazing!) and discussing the issue together, and I forgot about Spurgeon's quote and ig...