My Ten Favorite Homeschool Resources

School Girl Using a Microscope Set at Home by Robert W. Kelley
School Girl Using a Microscope Set at Home

With school starting again soon - here in the Vancouver area, school doesn't start till the day after Labour Day and doesn't end till late June - I've been doing a lot of preparations for our homeschool year. As I've been working, I've thought of all the resources I use for our homeschool. Here are my 10 favorites:
  1. Our local library - This is pretty self-explanatory. The library is chock full of homeschooling goodies. When I decided to learn Andrew's Chemistry so I can teach him this year, I went straight to the library and picked up The Complete Idiot's Guide to Chemistry. Now we're going to buy it as a reference for Andrew and later, for Beth. And to refresh my 43-year-old memory every day!
  2. Donna Young's Homeschool Printables and Resources - This is the first place I go when I need a planner of any kind, homeschool or otherwise. A goldmine of yummy printables!
  3. Free Homeschool Forms and Worksheets by Cindy Downes - Another goldmine of printables. I especially like the Learning Styles Quiz.
  4. Managers of Their Homes - Biblical advice and practical steps to help you create a schedule that will keep your priorities straight, honor your husband's wishes, and train your children to use their time wisely. Published by Steve and Teri Maxwell.
  5. Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit - The most valuable book I've ever read for a homeschooling mom, by a veteran homeschooling mom, Teri Maxwell.
  6. Merriam-Webster Online - Not just for looking up words! There are daily word games and more here for the homeschooler
  7. Discovery Education - Lots of resources for teachers. My favorite is the Puzzle Maker. Also lots of lesson plans here, categorized by grade level.
  8. Teachnology - I love their rubrics. I have used these for years to grade my children's writing. Another place with lots of lesson plans.
  9. An Old-Fashioned Education - I would make heavy use of this site if I were starting over again with little ones. You can basically homeschool for free, although I wouldn't use this exclusively. Includes lesson plans for K-12 that will give you some good ideas, especially if you're just beginning to homeschool.
  10. FlyLady - What can I say? I'm one of those who love FlyLady! She helps establish routines and even has a teacher's control journal that can be modified for homeschoolers.


  1. Thanks for this little treasure trove. Today was our first day of school.

    I'm no veteran homeschooling parent, that's for sure. But everyone had raved so much about Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit that I had to pick it up. Am I ever glad that I did! It was tremendously helpful. I lent it to a friend of mind who has 3 little ones under school age and she said that it was a great help for parenting.

  2. Elizabeth, I hope you find lots and lots of goodies in these sites to help you! I agree that Teri Maxwell's book is great, for homeschooling AND for parenting.

  3. Thank you for some great links! I've just been checking them out.

  4. I hope you find something you can use, Deborah!


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