My Favorite Sunday School Resources

Welcome to Sunday School
Welcome to Sunday School

After I wrote about my favorite homeschooling resources, a friend of mine asked if I had any good - and free - Sunday school resources. I had already been thinking about getting a list of those together, so I took that as my cue to get on with it. Thanks, Debbie!

I almost forgot - any of these sites would be great for homeschool resources too. Teaching is teaching, and these resources are Bible-based! And speaking of Bible-based, please be aware that I do not necessarily agree doctrinally with all these sites. Please use with discretion and in accordance with your doctrinal convictions - and give me the benefit of the doubt if you find something you don't agree with. I use these places as resources - not as my personal doctrinal guides.
  • Child Evangelism Fellowship - I use CEF's lessons for our Sunday school. I have taught completely through the Bible with them since we began our church. CEF has Bible lessons, missionary stories, seasonal lessons, devotionals, visuals for all the lessons, and song visuals - great resource!
  • MSSS Crafts and Resources for Bible Stories - the first place I go when looking for activities or color sheets to go with my lesson - has Old and New Testament lessons with ideas for object lessons, crafts, songs, activities for each one for Primaries through Juniors
  • DLTK's Bible Activities - another go-to for activities, this is a goldmine of printables, games, coloring sheets, and more - great for homeschooling too
  • Calvary Chapel Curriculum - this site is great! Again, I don't agree with everything doctrinally, but there are some good training resources here, as well as good lessons. I use their color sheets almost every week, using my own verses at the bottom of the page. I love their training manual and seminars - I've printed out several of their pages for my personal use to learn to be a better teacher.
  • Learn the Bible Sunday School - I haven't used much from here, but it's a fundamental Baptist resource. I know the pastor's wife of this church!
  • The Character Journal - this isn't necessarily Sunday school material per se, but it would make a great addition to class each week, a little extra teaching to help children learn good character traits - I love it!


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    That is the sweetest picture of Sunday School. It reminds me of when I was a child!

    I just love allposters for good illistrations to my posts...btw...let me know if you want an invite over to my blog...I would love having you!☺

  2. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Why did I not use spell check???

  3. Hey that's a great list. You know I use 4 of those now in Croatia for SS and Calvary Chapel has some great resources. Thanks for the other links .

    Yes we were at Countryside Baptist in Mansfield when the whole Santa scandal happened. Way too funny, he was surely famous for a while. How dare he tell the truth???

  4. Thank you again for great resources! The character journal is just what I needed. We are starting a Master Clubs this fall, and we want to focus on two character traits each month.

  5. Tammy - I chose that picture for exactly that reason - it reminded me of when I was a little girl! And yes, I would love to visit your blog!

    Tori - I figured that others probably had pretty much the same list of sites that I do. I really like the CC site - I just change the verses to KJV. I didn't know y'all had gone to church down in Mansfield. That was so long ago now! Bro. Mickey is not one to back down from controversy! ;)

    Deborah, I knew the Character Journal would be perfect for something like the Master Clubs. I'm glad you can use it!

  6. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Susan...I will send an invitation to the email you have listed.

    Be sure to come by today as I have something for you!♥

  7. Susan, good bible school resources. I will suggest this to the pastor's wife who is in-charge of the sunday school for kids.

    God bless...


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