One Missionary's Work

I have gotten to know Pam, a wife living in Jerusalem, through her blog Good News From a Far Country. It's been fun to see how she lives there in Israel. Today, she posted an entry about her brother and sister-in-law who are missionaries in Malawi, Africa, about a women's meeting they had recently. This was a first for these ladies in Africa, and they responded whole-heartedly to everything about it. I sat with tears streaming down my face as I read the story and looked at the pictures. There is a push for the "empowerment of women" in Malawi, where women are largely ignored. This meeting was planned to "empower" these ladies with the truth of God's Word so they can live a life pleasing to God. I wanted to share it with you so that you can see what the Lord is doing among our sisters in the Lord in this one small part of Africa. I encourage you to go over and read this entry, and go on to visit her brother's website, Bible Baptist Church in Malawi, Africa. I know you'll be blessed!


  1. Thanks, Susan! I'm so glad that it was such a blessing for you to read. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who shed tears over these pictures!

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Hello! I have just discovered your blog and wanted to drop you a quick note and tell you how much I enjoyed my visit here.

    I especially loved visiting Pam's blog entry today and seeing how God is working in women's hearts all over the world. What a blessing!

    Thank you for sharing this link and the love of Christ through your blog. You have a beautiful family! Praying your ministry is richly blessed. Blessings ~ Heather

  3. Thanks Susan for the heads-up. I'm headed over to read Pam's post.

  4. I go to Pam's blog a lot. and I love going there because I always get a blessing.


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