Addicted to the Ministry of the Saints: Your Family

Since it's been almost a month since I attended the ladies' conference, I thought now might be a good time to share another session with you. I'm prompt, if nothing else! ;)

This session was taught by Mrs. Julie Shaver, pastor's wife of Evergreen Baptist Church in Bellingham, WA. This is the church that allowed Samuel to stay in their office building while he worked during the weeks of Christmas Break, so I've gotten to know Mrs. Shaver just a bit over the past few months. I must say that I have very great respect for her and her husband. They have 10 children; number 11 is due probably any day now. Their children are well-disciplined and polite, their home is neat and clean, and the parents are full of energy and life and fun. It's always been a joy to meet and visit with them. So I was especially pleased when I found that Mrs. Shaver was teaching one of the sessions. It just makes a lesson come to life a bit more when you know the person teaching it, if that makes any sense.

Mrs. Shaver's lesson was about addicting yourself to the ministry of your family. It encompasses all aspects of the Christian family - husband, children, church, and God. She gave numerous examples in each area, but at the time, I wasn't thinking about sharing with you, I was thinking about what was most meaningful to me. So . . . these are my personal notes, and don't compass every single thing she said.

I Cor. 16:15 – addicted to the ministry of the saints

Addiction is a choice, whether good or bad

Gal. 1:13-14 – Paul’s addiction – persecution of the saints

Vs. 15, 16 – just as zealous (addicted) after salvation, to the ministry

I Cor. 16:12-14 – be strong, stand fast – What will it take to make me quit?

How can I addict myself to the ministry of my family?

  1. Get addicted to your husband – it’s a choice

- Lose yourself in him – Prov. 31:12
- Get addicted to his well-being; make him happy

  1. Get addicted to your children – Prov. 29:15; 31:26

- Give them your time - no substitute

- Protect them - from outside influences - TV, peer pressure

  1. Get addicted to your church – I Cor. 16:17,18 – serve with charity

4. Get addicted to your Lord – Matt. 10:37-39 – Don’t be afraid what God will ask of you – Isaiah 41:13

I realize that this is just a bare-bones outline, but this session was one of the best, in my opinion. I also heard a couple of other ladies saying they had enjoyed this one the most. I hope there will be something in this smattering of notes that will be a help to you, to motivate you to addict yourself more and more to your family. I still have more notes to share!


  1. Hey that's some good stuff, thanks for sharing it.
    Hey was Julie Shaver out of Bro. Vinyard's before they started that church? Just curious. °Ü°

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Good stuff!


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