A Thankful Journal

Yesterday, as I was reading the devotion in Baptist Bread, I was reminded that some people keep Thankfulness Journals, in which they write down five things they are thankful for each day. I've kind of half-heartedly tried that in the past, but never got very far with it. Mostly because I'd forget to write in it each day! But the verses used yesterday kind of stopped me in my tracks and made me think. They were Psalm 119:164-165 . . .
Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments. Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

That "seven times a day" is what the devotion was about, so it especially caught my eye this time. At first I thought, "Remembering to stop seven times a day to thank the Lord for things? I'd never remember in the midst of my crazy side-tracked days!" Then I thought of the journals I'd read about and tried, that had been for five things. I realized I could do the same thing, except write seven things instead of the five. It's scriptural! It's timely! I could do it for a year, ending next Thanksgiving, and look back over the year and see all the blessings of the year. And maybe see the things that don't really look like blessings at first. Because the Bible says "in every thing give thanks." Some things may not feel too great at the time, but we're supposed to be thankful anyway.

So. I'm going to begin tonight, and try to remember each night to write down seven things I'm thankful for each day. What's the difference this time? I believe the Lord spoke to my heart on this one, instead of my seeing what someone else was doing and thinking I'd like to do that too. I still might not get it done every single night, but even a few nights a week might make a difference, helping me to truly give thanks in every thing. I do struggle many times with discontentment, and lots of days I'm discouraged. This type of journal would be a help with those problems. And one thing mentioned in the devotion is something I'd never thought of: ungratefulness is the first step of walking away from God. Romans 1:21 speaks of those who "knew God, glorified him not as God, neither were thankful . . ." Wow! I sure want to be careful to walk close to the Lord and remain thankful to Him. This will be a totally private thing; I doubt I'll share the details I write down. But I may just have to let you know occasionally how good the Lord is, because with all that thankfulness going on, it's sure to spill out a bit every now and then! ;)


  1. This is a wonderful post and so cool that you got the idea from the WORD itself....and the scripture you use on ungratefulness....POWERFUL..and convicting....thanks for sharing...glad that you had such a great thanksgiving...we did too...
    I know what you mean about your children,,,it is THEIR walk now..and that can so be hard at times as a parent. you are doing a good job.

  2. What a good idea! Thankfulness always helps, and God is so good, especially when we stop to think about His goodness.

  3. Amen! A wonderful idea! Something similier is happening to me this year. My gave me a "blessing box" a couple years ago, and I've put things in it periodically, but this year, The Lord impressed on me to use it often, and make a list of those things to go back on at the end of the year.
    Seven times a day? That's a lot! But you're right, it's biblical. It would definitely make a habit of thankfulness for everything.

  4. Uh, correction: "my MOM gave me a "blessing box"..."

  5. that is a wonderful idea... if we will all just remember to be thankful in ALL things then we will be blessed in abundance...Happy Thanksgiving

  6. I've never really heard of anyone keeping a thankfulness journal. I keep a prayer journal (sporatically) and will, also, list blessings and such but I love this idea!
    And I love how the Lord works. I just read that verse a day or two ago and it really caught my eye and spoke to my heart as well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I will begin this tonight, as well. What a blessing!
    And thank you for sharing the other verse, too. I don't know that that particular verse ever stuck out like that before. What truth! A lesson I wish I had learned from God's Word first instead of the hard way.
    Thank you, Susan, for these reminders. They were a blessing.
    I'm off to start a new journal.

    ~ Christina


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