Does God Care About the Little Things?

I think God does care about the little things! He just proved it to me once again this morning!

I had an appointment for a procedure that's a follow-up to my checkup a couple of weeks ago. When I got there, I found that it was going to cost me a dollar to park for up to 2 hours. I only had 50 cents. I drove out of the parking lot onto the street where there were parking meters. I parked and put in my 50 cents . . . which gave me a whole 30 minutes! LOL I said, "Lord, here's my 50 cents. If the time runs out, you're going to have to take care of it!" When I stepped into the office, my heart sank! It was packed. I began praying again, because I didn't want to have to come home and hand Wes a parking ticket. Within 15 minutes my name was called. The procedure itself doesn't take long, so within another 10 minutes or so I was on my way out the door. I checked the meter before I got in the car - 4 minutes left! Yes, He cares!


  1. Praise the Lord! I love to read stories like this. (o:

  2. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Amen!!! Isn't our Lord just Wonderful??!!

  3. It isn't always a big thing that makes you see God's care. He does so much you don't always recognize it. Today he slowed a deer as he came to the road in front of me.
    I question how I could live without his care.

  4. That's a great story and reminder that, yes, God does care about our worries. Even the little ones. Thank you for sharing.


  5. Thanks for reminding us about this sweet truth! Blessings, Julie

  6. Thanks for sharing this story. I love when we can see how much He really does care about the little things. I also love the fact that you told Him, He will have to take care of it. ;0) He wants to help us, we just need to ask.


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