Praying for God's Will

I just read this morning's entry at The View From My Fishbowl. Rachel is editing an old book for republishing, and came across this statement:
"Our human leaders, our mission directors, secretaries, boards, and organizations ply us with this exhortation: “Pray the Holy Spirit to lead us!” That is popular and pious too. But do we or they really and truly desire God to lead us? Are we not really in our hearts, praying that God will lead us our way?

I must say, this was very convicting to me in light of my stressful week. The disappointment early in the week came about partly because I was praying, "Lord, this is what I want; now please bless my plan and give me what I want." There's nothing at all wrong with praying for what we want. In fact, God desires to give us "richly all things to enjoy." Just as we want to see our children enjoying themselves. But He also knows what is best for us, just as we can see that some things our children might want - really, really bad - are not the best for them. My heart is very tender right now about how to pray for God's will and in God's will. This blog entry just spoke volumes to me this morning. You can read it in its entirety here.


  1. You have a lovely blog. You are right about how we pray sometimes. We try to tell God what's best for us.

    Please feel free to check out my blog.



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