What I Like About Created To Be His Help Meet

When I first heard of CTBHHM, I heard nothing but great things about it. I told my husband about it, and he said I could order it. Well, I wasn't disappointed with it! Mrs. Pearl had some things to say that the Holy Spirit used in my life to help me. There are some things that have raised my eyebrows, though, and I'll address those as well in another post. I haven't finished reading the whole thing, but I'm close. Overall, I like the book, and I would use some of the principles in it to help teach or counsel other ladies, and I'll continue to use the things I learned from it in my own marriage. So here are some things I liked about it.

1. Mrs. Pearl uses the King James Bible exclusively, which is also my own conviction. This isn't up for debate on my blog, however! If you have questions, I can recommend some books to read on the subject, or I can give you my husband's e-mail address.
2. She has a scriptural basis for everything she says, whether I agree with her application of that scripture or not. She rarely gives any advice without giving a scriptural reason for that advice. That’s a very wise policy to have.
3. She is right on the money about having a merry heart, a thankful spirit, contentment, thanksgiving, and joy, and that it takes practicing these things to make them a part of our lives. How I needed those reminders! She gave excellent advice on these issues.
4. I really, really love the Time to Consider sections at the end of each chapter. I plan to go back and do these. She has clear, practical suggestions for doing these evaluations, and I think they will be helpful to me personally and would be to anyone doing them.
5. I like her plainness of speech. What I mean by that is she is not afraid to be blunt. She is blunt about submission, modesty, the fear of God (I really liked what she said about the fear of God - we have very little fear of God in our modern times) . . . we need older ladies who will tell us what we need to know without holding back for fear of offending. In most cases, the reader has no problem understanding what Mrs. Pearl is talking about.
6. I have had some problems with my attitude toward Wes in recent months. I have no excuses for my attitudes. The first few chapters of this book were used by the Holy Spirit to say, "That's exactly right; you know you have been like that and you need to get it right." It's been a LONG time since a book has done that for me. Most modern books are so weakly written and so full of love, peace, no-guilt that there is no conviction from reading them. But this book was different. Mrs. Pearl talks about love and peace and all that, but she also plainly put her finger on the exact attitudes I needed to correct - and that I've noticed in other women, too, by the way. Having all of it in one place is what helped me to get the full picture of what I needed to correct in my life. That was a big help, and I am thankful that I read those. As I go back and study each chapter, I'm really looking forward to seeing what the Lord will teach me further.


  1. I've been married only 4 months. Mom gave CTBHHM a few days before I got married. It has help me tremendously too. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Congratulations on your marriage, Corene! Thanks for stopping by!


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