Sunday Night Addition

We added Sunday night services to our church tonight! This is something we've wanted to do since we started in February, but we needed to make sure we had the finances and the people to rent the room. The time has come, so we started tonight. Wes is preaching a series on "The Science of the Christian Life," a practical set of lessons on living out Christianity on a daily basis. We had 18 people in attendance, which is pretty good considering we had 21 this morning! The average church has a small fraction of their Sunday morning attendance on Sunday night. The Lord is good!


  1. Anonymous9:48 PM

    What a blessing, Susan!! I am praying for your people to have the insight to remain faithful and grow! That is what grows a church more than anything!

  2. That is a blessing!! Keep up the good work and may God continue to bless ya'll's ministry!!

  3. What a wonderful blessing! It is so exciting to be able to "watch" your church grow!

  4. Oh thats so great! I love watching yoru ministry grow!

  5. What a blessing!!


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